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Intro to Opta reporting

This article provides a high-level overview of the reports available in your account.

Cole Bridge avatar
Written by Cole Bridge
Updated over a week ago

Opta provides a wide variety of reporting, broken into three categories: campaigns, publishers, and admin.

Campaign Reporting

  • Campaign statistics: Provides a comprehensive view of your campaigns across multiple key metrics, allowing you to track and compare the effectiveness of different campaigns at a glance. Easily export lead data and rejects, view campaign insights, and filter by a variety of variables.

  • Reject report: Displays each of your campaigns reject rates broken into two categories: internal rejects and client rejects. Internal rejects are those that come from your Opta settings: duplicates, data validation, inactive campaigns, leads from incorrect states, and so on. Client rejects are those that come from your lead buyer. Under the reject report details, you can dive into specific campaigns to better understand where the rejects are coming from.

  • Capping report: Reveals how your campaigns are delivering relative to their day, month, and max cap across a customized date range.

  • Campaign insights: Dive deep into a specific campaign, learning how the campaign has delivered month-over-month, what the top traffic sources are, and detailed demographic breakdowns by date.

  • Campaign by day: View a specific campaign's performance across a specified date range, revealing trends across volume, rejection rate, and more.

  • Campaign by hour: View all of your key metrics for a campaign broken down by hour, publisher, and more.

  • Conversion report: Upload a disposition report to reveal exactly where your conversions are coming from. Easily optimize traffic sources, targeting, day-parting schedule and more using these insights.

Publisher Reporting

  • Publisher statistics: Provides a comprehensive view of your publishers across multiple key metrics, allowing you to track and compare publisher performance at a glance. Easily view their campaigns, export lead data and rejects, and view publisher insights.

  • Publisher by day: View a specific publisher's performance across a specified date range, revealing trends across volume, rejection rate, and more.

  • Traffic analysis: Understand where your lead volume is coming from with traffic analysis. Filter by campaign, publisher, vertical, geos, age, device type, weekdays, and hours to reveal lead volume across your Opta account.

  • Revenue report: Dive deep into the traffic sources that are generating the most volume across your campaigns or view which specific leads have lead to the highest revenue and margin.

Admin Reporting

  • Billing report: No more manual billing reports! Select your target date and instantly see your publisher's revenue across a specific period, as well as your profit margin in working with them. Then, generate an invoice with one click.

  • Profit & loss: Instantly view your profit margin and net earnings across all your campaigns or your entire Opta account.

  • Activity Log: Review all the actions taken within your Opta account and by which specific user.

Watch this video to learn where each of these reports live within the platform.

Still have questions? Drop us a note at [email protected] and we're happy to help.

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